Learn, Play & Grow

Short break services for people with disabilities.

  • Wonderful Weekends play schemes

    A range of fun and stimulating activities across London and beyond that your child will cherish! These short-break activities also provide well-needed respite for families and carers. Open to all ages. We have two Variety minibuses for picking up and dropping off. 

  • Fun 'n' Games after school

    Children are encouraged play and socialise through various physical activities. We make sure there are suitable games for every child attending.

    Tuesdays, 5pm until 9pm

  • Holiday play schemes

    For approximately 12 weeks every year during school holidays, we extend our Wonderful Weekends play scheme to cover every day of the week! Children can be picked and dropped from home. 

    Daily, 9:30am until 4:30pm

  • Sensory room

    Lighting, music and objects combine to form a rich, rewarding and therapeutic experience for children with limited communication skills. Our sensory room is fully equipped and is the only one in the borough that you can hire for private use.