Family & Carers

Respite care and family support. Health and financial advice.

We provide a range of support services for family members of people with disabilities and their carers.

  • NVQ training

    We provide carers with training opportunities to continue their professional development. Ask for more details about the courses we can offer, which include NVQ2, NVQ3 and NVQ5 Childcare courses.

  • Safeguarding training

    Carers also have the opportunity to take part in safeguarding and First Aid training at The Oak Foundation.

  • Benefits advice

    The financial realities can be severe for families with a loved one who has a disability.

    Understanding your entitlements isn't easy. We can talk through the benefits support available to you and help you calculate what you might be entitled to claim.

  • Support groups

    Once a month, we gather together for a group meeting of carers. This is an open and informal environment where anyone can raise a topic for discussion.

    We also invite health and social service professionals to present at these meetings and lead discussions on important issues.

  • Focus groups

    From time to time, we invite partner organisations to run focus group meetings at The Oak Foundation on a range of health, social and cultural issues.

    Past topics include drug misuse, forced marriages and female circumcision.